Below is a list of EMDRIA-Approved Consultants-In-Training working with Amber.
You can contact them directly to schedule your consultation.
Please check each Consultants-In-Training's bio to determine if they are able to do consultation toward your foundational training requirement.
In pursuing EMDRIA Certification, you are able to complete 15 of your 20 hours with a Consultant-In-Training.
Complicated Grief, Complex Trauma and Esteem Issues
Criminal Justice Population, Substance Abuse, and Complex Trauma
Childhood Trauma, C-PTSD, Military, LGBTQIA+, Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Trauma and Dissociation
Trauma/PTSD/C-PTSD, Spiritual Abuse, LGBTQIA+, Anxiety and Depressive Disorders
First Responders, Military, Race-Based Trauma, Sexual Trauma and Mood Disorders
Codependency, High-achieving Individuals, LGBTQIA+, and Developmental Trauma
C-PTSD, Relationship Trauma, Sexual Trauma, Human Trafficking and Trauma Related to the loss of a loved one due to suicide